On December 4th 2017 (15:00), at Rahat Palace hotel, Almaty
After the success of the previous occasions, the French Ambassy in Kazakhstan, the Géo-Énergies Franco-Kazakh Training and Research Center, the Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute, with the support of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry France Kazakhstan and of the Business France Kazakhstan Office, invite you to take part in the 5th occasion of the Carrières France-Kazakhstan Fair, on December 4th 2017 from 15:00 at the Rahat Palace Hotel in Almaty.
A unique meeting to enhance your training and your professional experience and create new professional relations with a lot of companies settled in Kazakhstan!
Beware, the fair is only opened to Kazakh alumni who have graduated (or in last year) from the French Higher Education or who have studied as part of a university partnership program, with France.
Event program: