Sorbonne-Kazakhstan Institute was created in 2014 by National Pedagogical Abay University (KazNPU) and Sorbonne Paris Cité University (USPC) which were willing to offer a higher education training to the students of Kazakhstan and Central Asia.
KazNPU and USPC work together since 2013 to set up Bachelor’s and Master’s degree educational programs in various specialities: Management, International Relations, Marketing, International Law.
Master’s degree courses are mainly taught in French, that is why they are accessible to students who have at least a B2 level in French. Classes of French with university objectives (FOU) and classes of French with specific objectives (FOS), that are strongly linked with the specialities, are moreover given during the program to allow students to understand the USPC teachers.
USPC French professors teach during two-week time periods, on a specific course (30 hours). These classes are subject to continuous assignments and to one final exam. Pedagogical, research and professional internships allow the students to open to academic and economic environments and to apply immediately their knowledge.
ISK Master’s degree programs are rewarded by two diplomas (French and Kazakh), offering the students wider opportunities to follow on their studies or to find a job.
Studies duration:
The Master’s degree lasts two years and it is composed of four semesters. The number of credits needed for each semester is 30 ECTS for a total of 120 ECTS, as part of the ECTS notation system. Both universities organize trainings for students on programs approved by both sides and on the basis of Master’s degree programs existing in these universities. The training program is composed of compulsory and specialized courses. During semesters 1, 2 and 3, Master classes are taught by French and Kazakh professors, in French or English (with the help of an interpreter, if needed). During their studies, the Master’s degree students must travel abroad for 10 days, and they must do pedagogical, research and professional internships (and write reports). The Master’s degree is validated by defending the thesis in front of a Franco-Kazakh Commission according to the requirements of the Sciences and Education Ministry of the Republic of Kazakhstan and of the Higher Education Ministry of the French Republic.
Marking system:
Each semester is evaluated through the continuous assignment system. Accession to M2 is possible if the student gets 60 ECTS credits during the first year of the program, with an average mark of 13 out of 20. A student who cannot accede to M2 will receive a level M1 certificate if his/her average score is not below 10 out of 20. In M2, research works are conducted under the direction of Kazakh and French professors and a thesis has to be written under the direction of Kazakh and French professors. The student has to hand in a 20-page summary of his/her work in French. Moreover, students have to hand in a 20-page written report.
Students admission:
Students are admitted depending on their application forms and an admission exam.
Application form: together with the compulsory documents asked by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a motivational letter explaining the reasons for an admission to higher education must be presented in the application. This letter can be written either in Russian, English or French. Once the due date for applying is passed, a Franco-Kazakh commission will take place to look into the applications.
The entry exam for the Master’s degree is made of two parts:
French-language mastering exam: applicants must take an exam in French, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. If the student has a Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF, B2 level) or a Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF, C1 level) or a Test de Connaissance du Français (TCF, more than 400 points), he/she is exempted of the French language exam.
Candidates to the Master’s degree program are accepted either thanks to a Republic of Kazakhstan scholarship (the results of the French language exam must not be below 150/200), or by paying the tuition fees (the required results must not be below 100/200).
For the students who have paid the tuition fees, KazNPU Abay organizes paying French language courses from May 1st to August 1st. Away from this period, KazNPU Abay organizes French Language courses all year long.
At the end of the M2 and according to their results, the students of the program receive a Master’s degree recognized by the teaching structures of USPC:
as well as the State degree of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the speciality area.
Tuition fees:
Officially registered students of the program are scholarship holders or not. Those who do not have scholarships have to pay for their training, in accordance with the norms established by KazNPU Abay. Tuition fees must be paid to KazNPU Abay at least a month before the training beginning.
Абай атындағы ҚазҰПУ-дың Академиялық саясаты-2019
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Академическая политика КазНПУ имени Абая-2019